Monday 25 June 2012

Unifi Malaysia

It is a good achievement for having such a fast Internet...before unify came to our country,our Internet speed was in very poor condition..we can see a huge different if we compare from other developed countries. With the new technology of unify in this country, it is hope that Malaysian can enjoy surfing Internet without having such problems existed before..tq TM

Monday 19 March 2012

Issue of defense according to Islamic Criminal Law

Every person is assigned with responsibility. With this responsibility, he is accounted for every single deed or evil he commit. Hadith of prophet S.A.W “ Everyone of you is a shepherd ( leader ) and everyone of you is accounted. Man is the leader in his family and he is going to be accounted ; a woman is a leader in a context of her husband’s house and she is going to be accounted; a son is a leader in the context of property which left by his parent and he is going to be questioned; and the employee is a leader in the context of management of his employer and he is going to be questioned. In other words, the issue of criminal liability is only imposed when there is responsibility and accountability. To be responsible and accountable, a person must understand the nature of such responsibility and accountability.
                In the issue of defense, it is important  look back at the nature of human itself. Human is not perfect in nature. This is because human is not perfect in nature and thus they may commit something without they have control of it. This is where the issue of defense is important to be raised when a person committed an act/crime falling within the category of exception (defences). Otherwise, the court will convict the innocent rather than to punish the wrongdoer. Islam emphasizes the concept of justice. This is evidence in Al-Quran Surah al-Nahl verse 90. If such an offender committed an act/crime falling within the category of exception, he cannot be punished as he is considered committing no offence. Therefore, no punishment to be imposed on him. 
                In dealing with the issue of ignorance, a person is accountable for his offence when he knows or is aware of what he has committed. Otherwise, he is not accountable. This is consistent with the nature of mankind that is born without knowledge at all but gradually having ability to acquire knowledge.  Basically, when he is in an Islamic state, he is presumed to know all the regulations of the county. Thus, he is not excused from the state of ignorance. In other words,” excuse of ignorance of Islamic Injunction is not acceptable in Islamic state”. However, there is exceptions on the general rule which only applies in two situations : 1) Relating to a person who lives in a seclusion area/jungle 2) A muslim convert who does not live in the Muslim society. If a person claims that he does not know the provision, he does not exempted from punishment as it is his responsibility to understand Islam as ordered by Allah S.w.t. This principle is also applies to a person not knowing the meaning of the provision.
                In dealing with the issue of mistake, mistake is defines as an act which is done by an agent lawfully, resulted wrongfully. This may happen in many situations such as driving a car but unfortunately involve in accident, having intention to have intercourse with his wife but unfortunately with someone else and many more.  Mistake is evidence in Surah al-Ahzab verse 5. According to jurists, the main elements of mistake are negligence and carelessness.  When the accused raise the defense of mistake, he should be exempted from the offence as he has no responsibility and accountability on the act he did in mistake.
                Similarly, when dealing with the defense of insanity and duress. The offender cannot be held liable as he has no responsibility and accountability for the act. In the case of insanity, there is hadith from prophet  “Three persons are not under obligation ; a child before puberty, a person in sleep before he wakes up and insane person before his sanity is restored”.   

Thursday 1 March 2012


Sepak Takraw is a unique sport which was founded long time ago during the Malacca Sultanate..During that time,it was known as sepak raga..the name sepak takraw was established from the word "sepak" and "takraw"..Sepak is taken from malay language while takraw is from thailand language..on the other words,the name sepak takraw itself is derrived from the coorperation between the two countries..

I started play takraw when I was 17 years old..Before that, I never know and even heard about takraw..But when i started to play sepak takraw, I know this will be my sport..I play sepak takraw until now and many lessons I gained from this so called sport..

From my experience of playing takraw, I met so many people..The national player of takraw also I had met..The best thing is many of takraw athletes are not arrogant..Rather than tennis,I see many of the tennis athletes are too arrogant.. Thats why i love takraw..But still,tennis is no1 in my heart,,haha

I participated in many takraw games..sometimes win,sometimes loss..It's normal..This is one of my victory..not really a big victory..

Saturday 11 February 2012

New Blogger

Welcome to my humble blog..I am new here..This is the place where I can express my ideas,status,whats in mind an whatsoever..You are free to express your opinion in my blog..Hope you enjoy!!

Scandal v love

There are distinctions between them..Among them is the feeling itself..For scandal,no serious relationship involved..It is mere a relationship without there being any love..Do I have scandal?It's hard for me to answer it..In other words, "it's complicated"..haha..just joking..Actually,I have no scandal..I just used to have it..For love, I would like to say "it is wonderful"..But, be careful in defining have to differentiate between love and mere interest ..There is proverb in Malay "cinta itu buta"...What does it mean? In my opinion, love does not differentiate between the rich and poor, ugly and hensem/beautiful, stupid and genius..We can see nowadays a lot of couple for which they themselves are different to each others..

Friday 10 February 2012

Sekolah Kebangsaan Panglima Adnan

Sekolal rendah ku yang penuh sederhana,,terletak berhampiran dengan pantai saujana..kalo dari kelas,boleh nampak laut,,masyuk tue..di sinilah aq menerima pendidikan awal dari darjah 1-6..Banyak kenangan aq di sini..Masih segar di ingatan time darjah 1 hari pertama, ayh aq tunggu di luar kelas..bese la,mula2 masuk sekolah..mula2 dapat kelas 1 serindit..lepas tu, 2 nuri, 3 nuri, 4 arif, 5 bestari, 6 arif..mle2 pakai nama burung..time drjah 4,tukar..arif kelas pertama,kalau bestari kelas kedua..

Best taw sekolah nie..paling best time drjah 6..mcm2 kenangan..main mercun la,wrestling dalam kelas la,,yang paling best time bakar mercun tue,,aq la dalangnya..sampai guru besar time tu panggil aq sbb kes tu..time tu guru besarnye Hj dengan slumbernya bgtaw dia yang aq nie sje2 je main mercun sbb kebosanan..lme2 guru besar melepaskan aq..time drjah6,aq ade geng aq sendiri..antaranya Umair Sabaruddin,Anwar Johari, Haszman Hasry..Mereka nie la kawan baik time kt sekolah rendah..Yg paling bek antra kteowng si haszman tu,,

Aq kurang kwn perempuan time sekolah rendah..Tp ade jgk yang baik dengan aq..Antaranya Athirah Khairuddin..Dye nie anak owg kaya jgk la..Aq time sekolah rendah tak taw pon dye nie anak owang kaya,,Dye nie peramah jgk..tak sombong..Aq ingt lagi kenangan berlari ngn dye aq kalah,,malunye..sbb aq mmg slow pon kalo lari,,dye gelakkan aq time uh,,hehehe.kelakar ble ingat balik..

Ade la antara kawan2 SKPA aq still in contact,,antaranye Haikal,Athirah Liyana,Afiqah Rosli...Aq nak ucapkan Ribuan terima kasih kepada sume cikgu2 di SKPA terutamanya cikgu yang banyak berjasa kepadaku...Sesungguhnya, aq tak mampu membalas segala jasa2 diowng..-The End-


Di sinilah bermulanya kehidupan yang penuh bermakna..di sinilah aq berjumpa dengan sahabat2 yg aq tak boleh lupe...sahabat n kawan memberi maksud yang lain..kawan hanyalah kawan,manakala sahabat adalah mereka yang sentiasa berada di sisi tidak kira senang atau susah..kt Uia, aq ada jgk sahabat,tp tak ni susah nk percayakan orang..pada mulanya, aq berangan nak msuk SBP tp apekan daya..rezeki tak ade..walaubagaimanapn, aq  bersyukur jugak sbb dapat UPSR 5A..Aq pon tak sangke dpt,tp inilah dikatakan rezeki..sbb aq ni seorang pelajar yang lemah mse kt skol rendah..slalu canang n ujian2 dapt 1A,4B je..kekal lak tu..Mse sekolah pedas nie,aq nie boleh la dikatakan atlit..Merentas desa,tenis,olahraga,bola sepak,,semua aq sapu..paling pergi jauh,merentas desa n tenis..merentas desa slalu dpt no 1 peringkat sekolah,,Alhamdulillah,sume bakat tu anugerah Allah,,Tapi bila banyak masuk sukan,aq jd alpa terhadap pelajaran..Minat terhdap pelajaran menjadi pudar..dan teruslah hanyut aq di alam akan menceritakan mengenai alam persekolahanku di slot yang lain..sekarang,nme sekolah da tukar..SMKA pon tak taw nape diorang tukar name sekolah tue..elok dah nama sekolah tu SMKA Pedas..walaubagaimanapn,aq tak akan mengaku aq nie sekolah Smka Dahas...Aq hanya akan mengakui bahawasanya aq nie bekas pelajar SMKA Pedas,bkn SMKA Dahas..Terpulang kt korang nk komen macammanapn,,

Zaman F1-F3

Time nie aq budak mentah ag..tak taw papepon,,bercinta pon tak taw..haha..Time nie la aq kenal dengan sowang perempuan yang sungguh aq menghargai dye,,nama dye Zaiimah bt Rozman..Kteowang kawan je time tue..Kenal dye time form 2,tu pon kawan aq yang kenalkan..tak ingat la sape,,Time F2,aq hanya dapat no 18 je untuk merentas desa.,Time f3,baru la aq membongkar bakat aq dalam merentas desa..sbb time tu la aq pertama kali dapat tempat pertama meretas desa peringkat ingat lg kenangan time tu..Ble wisel dibunyikan,kami semua berlari laju2 dan ketika itu jugakla aq punye jam F&N aq jatuh..kemudian,aq dengan semangatnya kembali ke garisan permulaan untuk ambil semula jam tangan tu..di saat aq ambil jam tu,aq memerhati bahawasanya semua budak da hilang dari pandangan mata...Time tu,terdetik dalam hatiku "Sah2 la tak dapat no..",,Tapi,siapa sangka aq boleh dapat no 1 time tue..Bak kata pepatah "Tuah ayam nampak di kaki, tuah manusia siapa yang tahu"..Itulah saat merentas desa yang paling aq ingati,,Aq merentas desa sampai peringkat negeri sahaja..Tak mampu untuk pergi kebangsaan..Begitulah hendaknya smpai f5.. 

Time nie,aq duk asrama,semuanye best,,tak macam time f4-f5..Time nie,cikgu tak banyak pindah lagi..peraturan pon oke je..tak ketat..Banyak kenangan time nie..Antaranya yang paling ingat kene sebat dgn Shutek la (cikgu khairul Hadi)..Time tu bangun subuh lambat..dye pon apelagi,sebat time aq tgah tido..memang superbb r..sodapppp...sebulan jgk la nak tunggu pulih..

Zaman F4-F5

Time nie la zaman remaja ku menjelma..Time nie la aq mule berjinak2 dalam bab percintaan..Cinta pertamaku bersama Zaiimah..hehe..kteowg kwn dri f2,,akhirnya time sblum msuk f4 jgk kteowng declare,,,Setiap percintaan,ade onak durinye..Aq dikaitkn dengan cerita2 panas antaranya,playboy la,adk angkt bnyk la,main letter la...Akhirnye kteowg putus jgk..mmg sdey..sbb dye tak percayakan lame2 aq pon pasang la bnyk2..sbb aq geram,,ble aq tak curang dye,dye tak cye..lpas tu,mmg bnyk la awek aq..asal pi sukan kt sko0l len je,mesti aq ngurat awek2 sne..stu sekolah,paling kurang ade stu awek..hahaha..maksud aq sekolah kt rembau je la...

Tiem nie jgk aq terlalu busy ngn sukan,,.sukan je la aq ingat..da la sukan,main letter lak tu,,stiap hari main surat,,sampai penuh la tin biskut jacob tu ngn surat...hahaha..mmg bnyk.,.aq main letter slalu pon lepas clash ngn zaiimah..maklumlah,playboy berjaya la ktekan..dlu kt skol,aq dapat bnyk nama gelaran..antaranye..playboy berjaya,playboy,ensem,kacak,alien,jadu la,,,mcm2,,ade yg aq ske,ade yg tak,,tp lme2 terima je nie dlu emo gak kt skol..cepat terasa hati...

kt skol nie la aq jumpa sahabat2..antaranya Arip Sopian,Ribie,Ariff Sulaiman,Shollihin,Acheh,n many more..Diowng la sahabt sejati..Paling aq rapat Arip Sopian kot..Dye sungguh memahami aq..Ble aq kne bahan ngn kwn2,dye jgk la yg meredakan aq..bgus dye nie,,dye nie complete packaage jgk,,Da la pandai,bersukan pon,volleyball dye conquer..jeles aq ngn dye tu kan rezeki dye..nak wt cne,,haha..
                                          Arif Sopian..pkai cap ngn glasses..
Nie gmbar dye,,mcmne?ensem kn? dye nie ade sme interest ngn aq..antaranye karok...Dye nie suara sedap gak la..Rajin practise..tak macam aq,malas...Dlu aq minat sgt2 nk jd penyanyi...dri kcik ag..tu yg keje menyanyi je..pndai gle dye nie..Spm 11A bai,,aq rase kalo aq rajin kt sekolah pon,belum tentu lagi aq ley dpt 11A..TAbik gle r..


Dilahirkan pada 17 July 1991 di Hospital Seremban..Masa tue mama baru berusia 27 tahun..Anak jati negeri sembilan sebab memang parent dua2 orang negeri 9..kecik2 dlu menetap di Kuarters Pegawai Kerajaan Bandar Baru Serting..dlm umur 5tahun, berpindah ke Port Dickson..Di sinilah hometown ku sehingga lah sekarang..Mendapat pendidikan awal di tadika budiman,,lepas tue, sekolah rendah di Sekolah Kebangsaan Panglima Adnan..Selepas itu, barulah sambung belajar di SMKA Pedas..Di sinilah bnyk mengajar aq erti hidup kerana di sinilah aq mula pandai berdikari..Selepas tamat pendidikan sekolah menengah,aq menyambung pelajaran di Asasi UIAM mengambil jurusan Economics & Science Management pada mulanya..kemudian aq berjaya menukar kepada jurusan undang-undang..Dan,,kemudiannya berjaya meneruskan pelajaranku di UIAM Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang-Undang sehingga kini..salam perkenalan~